Service Collections with Blazor Server
What is a service collection? Service collections are a way of registering and resolving dependencies in C# applications using the built-in dependency injection (DI) system.
Often in the software development world end products become bloated and difficult to use and manage effectively. Raynor Systems prides themselves on creating simple and intuitive products and we have over a decade of experience to prove it!
Raynor Systems is not just a web development firm, we have extensive experience developing business applications. We have created Telemedicine platforms, Inventory Management Systems, Order Management Systems, API Integrations and many other projects.
We have experience modernizing legacy applications to utilize more current and scalable technologies. we have extensive knowledge of SQL and of creating maintainable databases & schemas.
Need a helping hand porting on premise SQL instances to Azure or AWS? We can help you do that.
What is the difference between .NET and PHP?
.NET was historically a closed source Windows based development platform. More recently .NET has been released as open source and can run on a multitude of devices.
.NET is built on the foundation of Objected Oriented Programming. Raynor Systems utilizes ASP.Net MVC (Model, View, Controller) for creating robust web applications.
PHP is an open source LAMP based programming language. LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySql & PHP.
PHP is generally regarded as a scripting language, though later versions contain Objected Oriented Programming principles.
PHP is a powerful tool that has a low bar of entry. WordPress is built on PHP.
What language does Raynor Systems prefer to create web applications?
In general, we prefer to develop applications in the .NET ecosystem. We utilize the latest Microsoft technologies such as Razor Pages, Blazor and MVC.
Raynor Systems enjoys developing in the .NET ecosystem for it’s robust tooling, Visual Studio IDE, it’s beautiful syntax and it’s ability to rapidly create amazing applications.
What is an API integration?
Integrating an API can mean many things, but in general, a third party or company allows a developer to access said company data over the internet via a range of protocols such as REST & SOAP.
From there the developer can integrate that data into the clients own application, or the client can create data on the third parties system.
Imagine you own a realtor website, this website allows people to sign up to ‘Buy’ or ‘Sell’ a home. You can integrate into a bigger company such as Redfin via api and pass your data onto them. Redfin follows up with the leads and pays you for each one of them.
What is a database schema?
A database schema is the organization of a relational database. It’s the architecture that dictates the storage of data. It providers for all the tables, primary keys, foreign keys, indexes, stored procedures and much more.
We’ve been creating applications for many years and the heart of many applications is the database.
A poorly designed database will lead to major issues in the future.
Shoot us an email or phone call to see how we can help you today!
What is a service collection? Service collections are a way of registering and resolving dependencies in C# applications using the built-in dependency injection (DI) system.
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